SD MS-09B DOM Gundam Papercraft

This paper craft model is for a SD MS-09B DOM Gundam papercraft template.  This SD Gundam version is based on the MS-09B Dom gundam full form.

The MS-09B Dom is a mass-production ground combat mobile suit which first appears in Mobile Suit Gundam. It is most well known to be piloted by the Black Tri-Stars, along with the pilots Abraham and Rayburn.

To give due credit, this papercraft model template is designed by Fullmetal A. P;ayfc.  And this SD MS-09B DOM Gundam papercraft model template is available in PDF and PDO versions with a few download links to choose from below.

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SD MS-09b DOM Gundam Papercraft Model Template
(Mobile Suit Gundam ; MSV-R)

During the end of the One Year War, this MS was used in North America. Furthermore this MS was a locally customized version of the MS-09B Dom Gundam, deployed after the YMS-09 Prototype Dom was transferred to the California Base. But the top secret Zeon MS Team, which used this MS-09 Dom Cold Climate Type, was wiped out. The shoulders, chest, abdomen, etc. were remodeled by M & Y, a company working for Zeonic. M & Y was also responsible for the entire customization.

Download SD MS-09 DOM Gundam (MSV-R: The Return of Johnny Ridden) Papercraft Model Template

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Download Link 1 : PDF paper craft template

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Download Link 2 : PDO paper craft template

Note:  If you opt to use the PDO version, it may ask for a password when opened using the Pepakura Designer software.  Just view the PDO papercraft template file using the Pepakura Viewer instead.



Some info about the SD MS-09B DOM Gundam :

The MS-09B Dom was the successor to MS-06F Zaku II and MS-07B Gouf mobile suits, and far surpassed both in terms of performance. Developed as a heavy-type, high performance mobile suit, the Dom could outmaneuver the Federation's new mass production mobile suit, the RGM-79 GM. While the Dom can use many of the Zaku II and Gouf standard armaments, it was typically equipped with a new 360mm Giant Bazooka, which could easily blow apart a mobile suit. Later, a new 880mm Raketen Bazooka was also developed that could destroy almost anything with one hit. The Dom also had a new Heat Saber, shaped very much like a beam saber, that was used for close combat. Lastly, the Dom featured a scattering beam gun, too weak to damage mobile suits, but powerful enough to blind a pilot for a few seconds.

The Dom's main advantages were its speed, agility, and maneuverability. The Dom had massive legs and a "skirt," under which were several high-powered thermonuclear jet engines that allowed the Dom to hover over the ground. These gave it a 240 kilometer per hour hovering speed, which far surpassed the Gouf's running speed of only 99 kilometers per hour. The Dom's superiority was blatantly evident to the Zeon forces and the Dom went quickly into mass production.

Info source :

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